The Shooting Stars Curriculum

Shooting Stars Curriculum

Our focus is to ensure that every child is offered equal opportunities to be able to grow within our setting as individuals. We aim to offer a relaxed, welcoming, and enriched environment which supports children’s desires to explore and discover as they learn and develop.

The Shooting Stars Child will be confident, independent, and resilient. We aspire for every child to leave the Shooting stars Nursery with a firmly embedded sense of self, be able to communicate their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and knowledge and engender a lifelong love of learning, discovery, and literature.

We use the Development Matters non-statutory curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021) to design an effective early year’s curriculum, and birth to 5 for SEN journal tracking system building on the strengths and meeting the needs of the children. The curriculum consists of everything we want our children to experience, learn and be able to do. We have developed our own progressive curriculum that ensures all children make progress during their journey with us. We have high expectations for all children and believe that with high quality education and learning, the correct support for all children will help to meet their full potential. Practitioners are facilitators to children’s learning, their role is to observe, support & extend learning, offer meaningful opportunities and experiences whilst listening to the child and tuning in their needs and interests.

Please see below for Shooting Stars Nursery Curriculum.

The seven areas of learning and development are:

Communication and Language

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical development



1. counting in context

2. reciting numbers in order

Understanding the World

Expressive arts and design.

Although we plan from children’s interests and current stage of Learning and Development there are certain subjects/learning experiences we deliver to ensure we deliver a broad, ambitious, language rich, diverse and child centred curriculum.