Toddlers room

Welcome to Toddlers Room. The three Prime areas of learning for toddlers as outlined in the EYFS are Communication and Language development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development, they are all met in a cross curricular way.

Our Toddler room is a relaxed, large space split into various areas including; Messy Playing, Mathematics, Small World, and Reading. Toddlers, like babies, learn from the people around them and how they are attended to, the environment that they are in and the opportunities it provides. At Shooting Stars Pre-School Nursery the key worker continues to be a crucial part of each child’s learning environment. By providing a warm, loving relationship they are a secure base from which the child explores with confidence. They continue to ensure that they gather information from you on your child’s needs, likes and dislikes, developmental stage and interests. 

We’ll handle your child with care!

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